+1 847-487-8258
Email reminder for renewal Trade Sub

HV$ is starting to prepare for its quarterly Blue Book pricing review in a few weeks. If you have any sales transaction information or perspectives on the current market to pass along, please do so at your earliest convenience. Let us know what you are hearing. We would appreciate feedback on any model in the Blue Book that does not align with what you see in the market. We are interested in hearing it all!

Please submit your sales data and feedback to [email protected]

We appreciate the time you take to get back to us. Even if you don’t have sales data to report for this past quarter, please let us know by replying to this email. If we do not hear from you, your [product_name] subscription will expire on [expires] as part of the trade agreement.

Thank you,

Jason Kmiecik, President HeliValue$, Inc. PO Box 275, Wauconda IL 60084 Phone: 1 847-487-8258 Email: [email protected] Website: www.helivalues.com